This October we celebrate our fifth anniversary, we thought that the best way for celebrate it would be organizing a new Madrid MSX fair edition: MadriSX´99 - special anniversary. We choose the Todos los Santos weekend, trying to receive more visitors, but we missed a lot of people and the users from Madrid were the littlest part of the visitors, only 17 users from Madrid visited this fair, of the 56 users of our data base.

New faces, Martos at the right, in the up and center part is
Jose María López Cid, in the left Konami Man, and in the down
Rafael Corrales. In the back Diego Millan.

But the MSX meeting was fantastic thanks to the great friendship ambient, finally we received 72 visitors and 10 expositors located in 7 stands, a little number compared with the last fair.

Why was the MSX meeting fantastic?, simple answer, the room was enough big for all the people, we enjoyed a relaxed day, we knew everybody and the visitors quality was excellent, we could see to Martos, one of the best MSX crackers, we knew to the new MSX group called Matra. We could know to NBNO from Netherlands (first time in Spain). We received a lot of visitors from Valencia, we saw the Z380 of Padial (WORKING!), Zorita, Konamiman, etc.

We will show you the expositors and news from them:

MSX NBNO: Mari Van de Broek and Raymond came from Netherlands probably looking for the Z380 board, Madrid and the Sunrise suggestion. They sold out everything, they had Moonsounds musics compilation CDs, in four really good issues. We could see the NV diskmagazine, unknown between many spanish users, they sold a japanese Premium games pack and a Konami tips book. They also sold XSW magazines.

BohKen & Majara: They did not sell anything, sad thing, we had to see excellent promo versions (almost finished versions) of Puddle Land, KPI Ball and el Poder Oscuro. We hope to buy it in several months because the games need only some touchs to be finished. They look very nice and we suggest you to buy them.

MSX Dreams & Club Mesxes: Jose Angel Morente and Jose María López Cid (R34.MSX Fidonet administrator) brought some news prepared for the last MSX fair in Madrid, like PSG Dreams CD, it is a wonderful compilation of Konami musics (original musics from MSX, masterized). Very soon they will present a Solid Snake music CD. JAM presented a new Legacy version, a COOL versions with incredible games in ROM format, with complete descriptions. He showed some picturedisks. Nestor Soriano sold some SD Mesxes magazines and a great NestorBASIC manual, you could suscribe to Mesxes there with a nice price.

Matra: A new MSX game!!!, Matra from Tarragona came for first time to Madrid and luckily they could sell a great new game called Sex Bomb Bunny, the main character is one of their members: Z-0 (the members are STAR, Z-0 & MKII). The game was really good for the visitors, adictive, quality and very playable. They showed some parts of their next game, Moscow 2024 (about an olympic games). They sold Navarone RGB adapter, MSXemats with the loved MSX system logo.

Matra, MkII at the left, in the center Z-0 and STAR.

LP Electronics & Cabinet: Daniel Zorita and Leonardo Padial had a common stand, the cause was the Z380 presentation, Zorita presented the software part and Padial explained the hardware part, the exposition was good, but sometimes hard to understand due the technical vocabulary used in the presentation, finally we could see the Z380 working faster and faster. There were questions from all the visitors. Padial presented also a new digital interface for PS/2 mouse, the serial interface for MMSX. Daniel Zorita could show a almost finished version of Sir Dan, a great game. We wish a great future for the Z380 system, and the MMSX computers.

Leonardo presenting the Z380 schema.

Second Foundation: They showed with details a MMSX computer, a very advanced version of the MMSX system, with a special design but without Z380 for the moment. At least we could see that the project is being finished. They offered many playable games in the MMSX computer, like Space Manbow or old games for MSX-1.

MSX Power Replay: They had the organization target, so Rafael Corrales and Jose María Pacheco worked hard to organize a good MSX fair, we have some italian stuff and the music system of the fair room, we played cool musics of the presented CDs and we organize a special lunch in a Chinese Restaurant. The second hand stand was good. We must inform that Manuel from Valencia presented a MSX software database, very soon it will be ready in Internet. We wish him good luck for his project, very useful for users.

¡¡Lucky boy!! - Really the prize is for Z-0

And let us go to the cool part...the MSX meeting was oriented for the celebration of our anniversary, so we get out from the fair room to go to a restaurant for celebrate it. A big part of the MSX fair was in that restaurant, we were eating from 14 to 17. We were 34 people in a big table, and it was the first time that in a MSX meeting we lunch in a chinese restaurant, it is more typical to go for dinner. The restaurant owners got surprised when they saw a lot of people entering in the restaurant. We could have a lot of interesting conversations, we chat about everything with users like Sutchan (Puddle Land graphics designer), Martos or the two NBNO members...

¡Great!, 34 in a deadly chinese restaurant ;)

If you are not a lucky person and you could not come to MadriSX, we suggest you a visit for the next time to know new users of Spain, see new software conversions of Martos, and see Madrid, a wonderful city, every time you can have the guide of Rafael Corrales for visiting Madrid and NBNO or Sunrise can afirm this. Do not forget, MadriSX fair is opened to all the worldwide MSX users and we offer you the best attention in those MSX firs, come and enjoy with us!

Here we are, five years ago we celebrated the first MSX fair in Madrid, and now we repeat our family picture, there are new users, another users left the system, and some people could not come, but we know that a part of all the users are here, nowadays the MSX is a part of our hearts, and we know that the MSX depends on us, this is because we dedicate our lifes to something that transformed our childhood, MSX is more than a computer, it is a lifestyle and I wish a long life for the MSX.

Signed: Rafael Corrales